Tuesday 22 March 2011

Weird things I do.

  1.  I think that if I can't see them, they can't see me.
  2. When I eat Thai Sweet Chilli, I drink Fanta to wash the spicy flavour away.
  3. When I'm stressed, you can find me sitting alone in the bathroom.
  4. I'll do anything when I'm in love. Anything.
  5. I have two faces (metaphorical).
  6. I love curly hair, while I have straight hair.
  7. Whenever someone is sad, I try to make him/her happy, regardless who she/he is. 
  8. Everyday I practice my British accent. Without any succes.
  9. Every time I dream about a life where everybody would be nice to me and accept me as I am.
  10. I wish you're heart couldn't break. Metaphorically and literally.

But hey, who's normal?

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